Mental Toughness > Physical Strength

Physical Strength is defined as a state of health that allows a person to do daily tasks.  Physical strength is generated through muscles, the skeleton, tendons and ligaments all working together.  The amount of physical strength you have depends on how well they interact with one another.  In my case my physical strength has been…

Unfortunately. Fortunately.

Friday, June 13, 2014. I was sitting in traffic on the New Jersey Garden State Parkway on my commute home from work. Anyone who lives in New Jersey knows once Memorial Day hits, Friday rush hour gets even worse than it already is, with people trying to hit the Jersey Shore for the weekend. So…

Confessions of an American RA Warrior

“Laughter remains one of the best tools I’ve had for dealing with RA, both physically and mentally.” Matt Iseman CONFESSION #1: The featured image is “FAKE NEWS.” CONFESSION #2: I secretly would love to be a co-host on American Ninja Warrior or definitely try the course out myself. Although, I would do anything to be…

